Whenever possible, family law disputes should be resolved through negotiation and agreement. A family lawyer can assist by drafting a separation agreement that is fair and balances your best interests. A family lawyer can also advise you of the rights and options available for your personal situation.
If reaching an agreement is not possible in your situation, then Mr. Falldien can represent you in court or guide you through self-representation.
Generally, the office charges $425.00 per hour for family law services. In addition to the hourly rate, court attendance fees are charged for each court appearance.
Court attendance fees:
- Routine adjournment: $200.00
- Case conference: $500.00
- Motion or trial date: $1,000.00
For clients that cannot afford representation, the office provides limited scope legal services for $425.00 per hour. Click here to learn more about limited scope legal services. All new matters begin with an initial consultation for approximately 60 minutes. The consultation fee is currently $700.00 plus HST.